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Флагманская и самая дорогая модель смартфона от Apple 2019 года, была выпущена 20 сентября и стала логическим продолжением линейки iPhone XS Max. Новое устройство имеет 6,5-дюймовый OLED-дисплей, тройную основную камеру и сильно увеличенное автономное время работы от аккумулятора.

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Oled screen replacement and update

Is it okay to update even i have installed non oem screen to my phone? Because i have seen many issues that some users reported they have non oem screen replacement and then an issue appear after updating there iphone

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Выбранное решение

It depends on the type of screen replacement you have installed. If the replacement screen is compatible with your phone model and the manufacturer has ensured that it is compatible with the latest software updates, then it should be okay to update your phone.

However, if the replacement screen is not an OEM (original equipment manufacturer) screen and has not been tested to be compatible with the latest software updates, then updating your phone may cause issues such as compatibility problems or even permanent damage.

In general, it is always best to use OEM parts when repairing or upgrading your phone to ensure compatibility and minimize the risk of issues. If you are unsure about the compatibility of your replacement screen, it may be best to consult a professional technician or the manufacturer of the replacement screen before updating your phone.

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