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Mid 2012 model, A1278 / 2.5 GHz i5 or 2.9 GHz i7 processor.

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Polyamide tape for interior MacBook insulation


Polyimide Tape

I'd like to know if this tape would be a reasonable replacement or reinforcement for the insulation along the interior of the bottom case for a mid-2012 macbook pro.

i.e. could it be used to hold down or replace the insulation material seen here? MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Late 2012) Lower Case

I've realized I have small metal flakes coming out of the 'pad' over the RAM and so I need to either cover the edges or remove/replace.


MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Late 2012) Lower Case Изображение


MacBook Pro 13" Retina (Late 2012) Lower Case


Polyimide Tape Изображение


Polyimide Tape


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That will work or using some contact cement to re-glue the edge down if it’s lifted.

Just stay within the black covered area as you don’t want to interfere with the fan.

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Thanks very much for the fast reply!

Some clarification: I'd need to go go slightly outside the borders of the existing insulation material since I'm trying to hold the edges down. If that looks like it will interfere with the fan, are you able to make a recommendation for contact cement that would be appropriate on the interior of a laptop case?


@David - I would use 3M 27 Spray Adhesive

You do want to clean the surfaces on both sides. Use some masking tape to protect the area you don’t want the adhesive. And use some weight to hold it down.


Once again, thanks very much. Time to order and get to work.


@David - If you’re set don’t forget to accept the answer - Thanks!


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