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Released in 2016, this is a 15 in 3.5 kg laptop produced by HP. This model of laptop can be identified by the HP 15-af123cl located in the black strip of information on the bottom of the laptop in the middle.

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How to fix black screen with cursor

My hp laptop pc is not working it display black screen with cursor

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Abay HP of that series do this when the HDD can not be accessed. It is possible that you have a failed HDD. Try to enter the BIOS.This should help with accessing that. there see if your computer can "see" the HDD. If it does not, you know it is your drive. If your drive does show up, set the boot order to something like USB or CD. Get a bootable USB or CD (I use Linux Live software on a USB drive) and see if that lets you access the HDD. If not, it's time to replace it as well as your OS.

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Looks like it's taking time to load, leave it until it loads.

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Abay будет очень признателен.
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