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Repair and disassembly information for Samsung's Galaxy A32 5G Android smartphone, released in February of 2021.

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Is it possible to swap ram chips on an android?

So I have a 6gb ram variant of the Samsung A32 and recently had an issue with the charge controller on the main motherboard so wanted to get it replaced but found it a bit difficult so went with the next best option to change the whole motherboard so i at least have a working phone then get a second board as a donor board and try to fix the damaged controller on the original board. The issue is that they only have the 4Gb ram variant on the site I'm trying to buy it from. My question is can Is it possible to get the 4Gb variant and swap the ram and cpu on it with the 6Gb variant from my original board with the charging issue? They are the same models just different ram sizes

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The best i can say is... "Maybe"! If you can visibly see where the other RAM chip would have gone (if there is several) or anything similar it has a chance of working, but of course there are no guarantees. Personally, i'd just keep the 4GB RAM instead of trying this, but that's because I'm not good in the slightest at microsoldering, best of luck!

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