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Televisions made by the Chinese multinational electronics company, TCL.

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noise is just very annoying its more of a high pitch whine.

I have a similar problem, though its more of a high pitch whine. I've opened the back and looked at the power board and I can't see any Part that looks broken or damaged. Any idea what to do?

It's a tcl tv, I'm not sure where to find the model. It does turn on. The noise is just very annoying. I've checked the capacitors witg a multimeter and looked at everything else it all seems fine. I don't exactly know what to look for on the multimeter when I checked the capacitors though.

I can't seem to find what exactly is making the noise. Are there replacement boards I can get? If so is it worth it to buy a new board or just get a new tv?

Here is the noise, its much louder in person

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if it functions properly etc. then you will not find it by using your meter. Everything will check out. Whine like that could be caused by the larger inductors and the transformers, very seldom by capacitors since you need a coil to get the whine. With capacitors is more of a squeal, hence the terms coil whine and capacitor squeal :-)) What I would try, and I am not saying you have to do that, is to remove the cover and turn the TV on. Then I would use a non conductive tool (even a wooden spoon would work :-) and use that to apply slight pressure on the components that are suspect, until I find the one that makes a difference. Then I would use a dampening material of kinds (depends what that component is, to minimize the whine. There is no total elimination of that but hopefully a reduction of that.

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