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2.26 or 2.4 GHz / White plastic unibody enclosure

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Can a 2.26 ghz fit into a 2.4ghz MacBook

can a 2.26ghz board from an earlier model macbook fit into a a later model 2.4ghz model of the same macbook?

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Yes, I can confirm that the 2.26 logic board can be installed in the 2.4 case of the A1342 model. I did it last week without any problem and everything is working well. The 2.4 trackpad model is more evolved but seems to be compatible with the 2.26 logic board. There is not a big difference between the two logic boards. Form factor is exactly the same so no problem to swap the logic boards. The differences are: the processor speed, the video chip and the trackpad.

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If you're talking about staying with the same model number, in your case the A1342, I would say yes, it should be no problem.

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