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Выпущен 16 сентября 2016 года. Модель 1660, 1778. Стандарты связи GSM или CDMA. Память 32, 128 или 256 ГБ. Цвета: розовое золото, золотой, серебристый, черный и глянцевый черный.

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After audio ic replacement no microphone in phone call but siri works

I recently replaced audio ic in my iphone 7 because the microphone didn't work nor the audio. After checking and continuiti at the pads that every one is jumping there were no bad pads and i didn't rip any of that was used (checked with board viewer and photoshop) should i replace the charging port with the michrophone's or should i try jumping the connections that every one is doing?

The iphone has the freshest ios.

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I would of changed the charging port before the audio ic to be honest. That would be your next step.

Update (03/07/2023)


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Can the mic prevent the speakers from working? Also it highli depended on the phones temperature weather it had working audio or not. I mean if the phone was cold there was no audio, sir nor could you record or speak and listen in a phone call but if the phone was warm than you could use al these functions mentioned above.




on a side note, i have an iphone 7 that has mic, but not speaker, issue. siri doesn't work, voice recorder doesn't work. taptic has issues but i think that's unrelated. i was thinking Audio IC, but also the charging port flex. i put the motherboard into the back housing of a different iphone 7, but it did not improve things. i would think this confirms audio IC problem.

would you agree? or are there other tests i could/should run?


@mesugemesuge the bottom speaker connection is on the same ribbon as the microphones and charging port.


@beekerc I would fit a new charge port assembly before anything else. Mic, speaker, taptic and charge port all on there.



hi Nigel

i effectively did that. i put the questionable mobo into a different back housing with a charging flex and taptic that work. that's the same as installing a new charging flex. i have another IP7 housing i can try, but i'm not thinking the charging flex is the answer in my case


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