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Digital calculators with varieties of features useful for students and professionals. These devices are good for calculus, trigonometry, engineering, financial, and other types of problems.

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Solar T30 SLR+ calculator won’t charge

Can the battery be changed?

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According to the manual: http://www.datamath.net/Manuals/TI-30SLR... the TI-30 SLR family has no batteries. It's powered solely by the solar panel.

If you put the calculator in a bright light does it turn on? If so, the panel might need to be replaced. Hopefully the old panel says what voltage it's rated for otherwise finding a replacement is going to be very difficult.

If it doesn't turn on, the panel may have simply detached itself from the circuit board. This would be properly repaired with a soldering iron but you might be able to get away with non-conductive tape.

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