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Всё, что нужно знать о ремонте и разборке iPhone SE второго поколения, который был выпущен в апреле 2020 года.

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Will iPhone 8 lightning connector work on iPhone SE 2020?

On this iFixit iPhone SE 2020 Lightning Connector Assembly Guide, there is an error in the parts list listing an iPhone 8 Loudspeaker but no lightning connector. I don't see an iPhone SE 2020 lighting connector part anywhere on the site.

It seems like some parts are interchangeable between the iPhone 8 and SE 2020 models, but the iFixit iPhone 8 Lightning Connector Assembly page does not list compatibility with iPhone SE 2020.

Does anyone know if the iPhone 8 Lightning Connector will work on my SE 2020?


iPhone 8 Lightning Connector Assembly Изображение


iPhone 8 Lightning Connector Assembly


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Other third party suppliers list it as compatible. It should work! Though I haven’t personally done the repair. The SE 2020 is very similar to the iPhone 8, the SE 2022 however is a bit different. I am aware the batteries are different for all three phones. The screens stay the same. Not sure about the port for the SE 2022 however. But for the SE 2020, I believe it should work since I’ve had a few repairs with them in the past.

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This Reddit post (https://www.reddit.com/r/mobilerepair/co...) by a random user says no, and that a SE2020 part will fit a 8, but not the other way around. It does not appear that iFixIt supplies the correct part anymore, despite having that guide :(

Edit: oops posted answer as comment


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This Reddit post (https://www.reddit.com/r/mobilerepair/co...) by a random user says no, and that a SE2020 part will fit a 8, but not the other way around. It does not appear that iFixIt supplies the correct part anymore, despite having that guide :(

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