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Bad battery? Bad logic board repair?

I spilled powerade on my laptop, so I sent my laptop for logic board repair, replaced the keyboard and battery indicator. Received the laptop and functions works like normal than about a month later, will not boot up anymore.

When plugged into the charger, it shows green and full charge when the indicator is pressed. When not plugged into the charger, pressing the battery indicator shows nothing.

What should I do? Should I try to clean everything with alcohol 91%? If it is battery problem, the laptop should boot when remove battery right?

Attempted to SMC, nothing happened. Press shift+control+option+power, release, and press power, nothing.

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What should I be looking out for on the mother board? I'm not very expert on logic boards.


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open the lapop to check the damage on the mother board . battery will be fine 99%. its a problem of logic board. if battery is damaged the your laptop will powered up by charger . open the bottom case and remove logic board to check the damage to logic board .

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If you sent it to Apple, it is still under warranty from the repair. Contact them and send it back in.

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Did not send it to Apple, their repair costs for water damage are atrocious! =[


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