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iPhone screen still frozen after I restored it

I had a problem with my iphone screen being frozen even after trying to restart it multible times. I tried to do a restore to the original settings and erased all of my data and it Still has a frozen screens. this phone is only 1 month old.

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If your screen is black or frozen

Press and quickly release the volume up button.

Press and quickly release the volume down button.

Press and hold the side button until you see the Apple logo.

If your phone doesn't turn on, follow these steps to check your hardware and charge your phone.



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You can try the following solutions when your iPhone is frozen:

  1. Re-charge your iPhone

# Force-close unresponsive apps if your iPhone is frozen in certain apps

  1. Force restart your iPhone
  2. Restore iPhone to factory settings using iTunes if factory reset doesn't work on iPhone

If none of the solutions works, you can try to put your iPhone into recovery mode and let iTunes help you troubleshoot.

Since the last two solutions will erase all settings and data from your iPhone, you'd better full backup your iPhone in advance. you can rely on iTunes or a third-party tool like FoneTool (quicker and easier) to make it.

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