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The Samsung Galaxy M51 is an Android smartphone which was released in August 2020.

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Why does my phone dont charge

It doesnt Charge and smells wierd

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Hi salih kocer,

Generally there are a lot of troubleshooting steps to go through when a phone won't charge, but the addition of a weird smell into the situation would tend to point to the battery. Outside of major short circuits inside the phone, just about the only thing in a phone that can possibly generate an odor is the battery. As it ages the chemical reaction that generates electricity becomes less efficient and can start generating gasses. Those gasses expand the envelope sealing the battery causing it to puff up like a pillow. If it goes on long enough, the battery can literally catch on fire; that's exactly what happened to Samsung's ill-fated Galaxy Note 7.

So your next step should be to open up the phone and examine the battery for any sign of swelling. If present, that will undoubtedly be the cause of both the smell and your charging problems, so you would want to get that battery replaced immediately. iFixit has a guide showing you step by step exactly how to open up the rear case of the phone and replace the battery.

Samsung Galaxy M51 Battery Replacement - iFixit Repair Guide

You shouldn't have any trouble finding a replacement battery; I usually check Amazon, eBay and AliExpress. One of those is almost certain to have the part, so you can pick one that has delivery to your country available.

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