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Xbox One controller was introduced in 2016 with the launch of the Xbox One S and adds Bluetooth support for Windows 10/11. This controller fixes many of the design flaws found on the Model 1537/1697 controllers and is much more reliable. This controller has been replaced with the improved Model 1914 controller.

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Question about repairing a controller with stick drift

Hi everyone

I have come in search for some answers with stick drift. I’m new so I’m trying to learn how to do some repairs on tech. I was looking at this board and I had noticed some black on it. To me that would make me thing something was either burnt or worn out but can someone tell me what could have caused this and would this be why its drifting the black I'm referring to is near the bottom stick

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The black mark you are talking about looks like marker to me. it is common to see boards with marker on them from the factory. as for why the stick is drifting it is because the resistive layer in the potientiometers has worn and causing it to read incorrectly. to fix it you need to buy replacement sticks unsolder the faulty ones, and resolder in the new ones.

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