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Mid 2012 model, A1278 / 2.5 GHz i5 or 2.9 GHz i7 processor.

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Why is my up key stuck even after I’ve removed the physical key?

My up ⬆️ key is stuck, I’ve removed it however it’s still continuously making my pages go up when I’m writing or using my laptop. I’ve attempted to add sticky keys but it still didn’t help

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Sounds like you had something sticky spill into the keyboard, which has effetely glued the key.

At this point I would just replace the keyboard unit as by the time you dig that deep to just fix the one key it’s just easier replacing the whole part so you also catch other keys which could fail soon. MacBook Pro Unibody (A1278) Keyboard and here’s the guide MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2012 Upper Case Replacement or you can replace the full uppercase.

MacBook Pro Unibody (A1278) Keyboard Изображение


MacBook Pro Unibody (A1278) Keyboard


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