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Repair information for standalone freezers.

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Upright Freezer will not cool. Otherwise all components work.

Description of Problem:

Upright freezer will only cool to 12C.

  • Compressor is working properly
  • Defrost Timer is working properly
  • Defrost heater is working properly
  • The start capacitor is working properly and has been checked to be within tolerance (11.83µF, spec 12µF +-5%)

Can the cooling system get blocked / plugged? It is as if the coolant is not flowing properly. The input side of the evaporator core is building frost but inches away it isn't even cold. After 8 hours without a defrost cycle I would expect the entire evaporator coil to be covered in a light layer of frost. It seems like only the area directly adjacent to the incoming coolant is cold and this area seems to be creeping across the coil very slowly but to a maximum of only inches. The evaporator coil is still warm on the right side where the coolant should be leaving to the cooling circuit. The outside of the unit is cool to the touch where it should be warm.

Block Image

Block Image

The input side is -18C right where the coolant enters the evaporator coil. The other side is 12C. This is after 9 hours. No defrost cycle. It will not get any colder. The coolant doesn't seem to be flowing at all.

If there is a way that the cooling system can become blocked/plugged, is there a way to backflush or otherwise dislodge the blockage? I am not a refrigerator technician.


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There is a set of exchange coils or radiator, on a window AC they look like the shiney fin looking thin you see outside. You freeger has the same device. Newer freezers have a filter to keep dust and the like out of it, in older ones they don't and you need a soft brissled brush to remove the debri but one these get stopped up there can be no heat exchange there for heat cannot be removed from your cooling device. Search your owners manual for the location of the filter or Google the location of the filter for you specific brand and model.

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to_warm будет очень признателен.
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