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Dead graphics card. Checkerboard pattern?

So my graphics card seems to be dead. The screen works on and off, but when it does not work it shows a progressively changing checkerboard pattern. This occurs on the Laptop display, with an external monitor, through S-Video, and with "screen sharing".

What are my options?

Replace the Mother board?

Part it out and chuck the Mother Board?

Replace the graphics card? (not sure I can do that)

Cast a voodoo spell that fixes everything?

You ideas would be very much appreciated!


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The "graphics card" is actually a graphics chip soldered to the main logic board in this PowerBook.

it does sound like a serious hardware problem relating to your graphics chip, as you've successfully ruled out the LCD display itself by trying the other display output choices.

casting a voodoo spell might be fun to try :) unfortunately your only real option is to replace the whole logic board, assuming the cost isn't too high to do so

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zacm будет очень признателен.
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