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The DualShock 4 CUH-ZCT2 was announced in 2016 to replace the CUH-ZCT1 controller released in 2013. This controller is similar to the previous model.

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Analog capacitor value replace

Does anyone know the value of the capacitor placed on the left analog? I disassembled a controller that has a problem and I realized it's missing, to be able to find it I need the value. Thanks in advance

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I have a CUH-ZCT1U on my bench right now. Not the same layout. However what looks like the same component at nearly the same location, is giving me a resistance reading of 2.4 k ohms. Hope this helps.

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here it is! it also corresponds to a defect, the drift is the problem I have but it doesn't depend on the stick...thank you so much.🖖



No problem hope it all works out for you.


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