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Смартфон был выпущен 26 октября 2018 года с разными модулями связями и количеством SIM-карт. Модели A1984, A2105, A2106, A2108 были доступны с GSM или CDMA/eSIM, nano-SIM или dual-SIM. Объём памяти варьируется в пределах: 64, 128, 256 Гб. И, конечно, iPhone XR увидел свет в различных оттенках корпуса: черном, белом, синем, желтом, Coral и красном.

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Rear facing camera and flash don’t work but front one does

Hey guys, so my rear camera doesn’t work, it was working and I did a case transplant and it worked fine, then it cut out a few days later same thing happened with the front facing camera but I reset the phone and it fixed it, the rear camera still won’t work same with the flash I’ve tried multiple replacements but it doesn’t recognize it any possible solutions?

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You've tried multiple replacements of which part(s)? This is almost always an issue with the rear camera (or front camera, but if that is working it's probably not that).

Flash and cameras often go out together because the flash enable signal comes through camera circuitry. If the camera is bad, the flash can't get the signal to turn on.

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Thansk for the response, so the part I’ve tried replacing is the camera and it isn’t being recognized by the phone so it’s basically just black, flash doesn’t work. Is it an issue with the flash ?


@aaron66088 It’s unlikely in my experience. Usually the flash doesn’t work because of the camera rather than vice versa. Does the rear camera work if you disconnect the front facing camera?

If not, this is likely to be a board level issue.


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The rear camera might be disconnected or damaged if the camera fails then the flash light also fail.

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I have replaced the rear camera and it won’t work


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