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The Huawei P8 Lite (Model: ALE-L21) announced April 2015, shows beauty in simplicity. Its professional cameras enable you to take natural and sharp pictures even in the darkest environment. The beauty mode highlights the best features of the owner in every selfie.

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My Bluetooth and wife not connecting

Why is my Bluetooth and wife not connecting on Hauwei P8 Lite

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Common issue with this model, p8 lite/p8. The problem make wifi chip Hi1101. This chip was used only in this 2 model, reball is not helping, only the one way is replace it with new chip. Also be carefully with soldering temperature, from my experience more like 320°C can destroy the chip.

Update (06/24/23)

But now when i read your question again, maybe can be only antenna contact, when is wifi ic KO mostly you can not turn on the wifi. Near of model sounds for me maybe like anténa is disconect or poor contact. Try to open phone reconenct all anntenas and clean contact.

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