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A Desktop PC built from off-the-shelf DIY parts, rather than a prebuilt from a major manufacturer. These can also be built by an SI using off-the-shelf parts.

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Computer crashes to a blank green screen.

I’ve recently built my first pc and for the 1st day it was running great. Yesterday and today hasn’t been the same. After only a few minutes of running the pc will crash in to a blank green screen. Any tips? Anyone else ever have this problem?

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Hi @koithyboi,

What is the make and model number of the motherboard and the GPU card?

Try disconnecting the SSD (HDD?) and check if you can get into BIOS OK with a display.

Have you checked the monitor's working OK i.e. can you view the OSD menus?


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What operating system is it running on?

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Was running windows 10 when it started. Upgraded to windows 11 only for it to crash more often


It could be a bios issue or corrupted files, maybe you should upgrade your drivers, it could be a monitor issue too


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