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Panasonic tv won't turn on, no red light

Hello. So I have a Panasonic tx-p55vt30e TV and it won't turn on. Not even the red light. I found out, that a capacitor in the mainboard was blown, so I replaced it. And well, it still didn't work. Then I was sure that the problem was in the P(sub) board (the power supply board on the right) so I replaced that. Still nothing. Please help.

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Hi @maxim56706

Here's the no power troubleshooting flowchart from the service manual that may help.

You said that you replaced the P sub board on the right so presumably you mean the P2 board, is this correct?

If so did you also check that all the fuses on the P board were all OK? They are shown in the flowchart.

If they are then the STBY5V standby voltage which is used to turn on the red standby power LED leaves the P board on the P6 connector. It should be shown on the board which pin it is on.

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Alright so how do I check it? So I put on pin of the multimeter to the Connector and the other pin where?



The red lead is on the appropriate pin on the P6 connector and the black lead is connected to an earth point e.g. a head of a screw holding the board to the chassis

Be safety aware there's lethal exposed AC voltage on the P board


Thank you. The fuses were alright, but I did not get a single Voltage reading on the pins of P6. And yes, I replaced the P2 board but I somehow can't seem to get any Voltage reading on the P51 connector of the new board.



You might have to do component testing at board level on the P board to find out why not or try replacing it

Be safety aware there's lethal exposed AC voltage on the P board


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