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Repair and disassembly information for the first-generation Apple Watch SE, announced September 18th, 2020.

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Should I better junk my SE GPS 2023?

Hi All,

Mindlessly, without pairing my watch with my iPhone SE 2nd gen., I've turned on Voice Over mode on my watch. It's obvious, that screen touch won't work anymore.

No chance to input my code.

Anyone can help, or better to forget my watch?

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Was the touch not working before you turned on voiceover?


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Do you live near an apple store? They maybe ae to fix it or replace it.

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Hi Allen,

thank you for yr advice! I'm about 18 km far from an Apple Store. I'll try it anyway!


Great. It seems a shame to give up so soon. They may charge a replacement fee but thats cheaper than buying another watch.


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