PS4 not displaying on specific TVs

I recently made a purchase of a Samsung TU8000 television, only to encounter an issue where the TV fails to detect my PS4 console. Initially attributing the problem to the TV itself, I sought a refund and obtained a replacement unit of the same model. Unfortunately, the replacement TV exhibited the same inability to recognize the PS4.

In an attempt to isolate the cause, I proceeded to test the PS4 on various other televisions. Surprisingly, certain TVs successfully recognized the console, while others did not. Subsequently, I resorted to seeking assistance from professional repair shops in order to resolve the matter, yet none were able to provide a definitive solution. I tried everything you can imagine: booting the console in safe mode, experimenting with different HDMI cables, factory resetting the PS4 and changing the PS4 resolution. How can I proceed with this problem?

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