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Repair and disassembly information for Logitech's M series of computer mice. Not to be confused with Logitech's MX series.

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How to connect Logitech M510 Mouse to a non unifying receiver?

I have lost the unifying receiver.

I have a spare logitech non-unifying receiver with me.

Can someone help on how to connect/pair the M510 mouse with non-unifying receiver?

Many videos suggest to press the connect button in the mouse, which I'm not able to locate it in the mouse.

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Hi @jayaramv

1. you can try downloading and install Logitech Connection Utility


Run the app and follow the instructions to pair the mouse with the usb receiver.

2. Another alternative is to get another replacement logitech unifying receiver. https://support.logi.com/hc/en-us/articl...

download and install. Follow the instructions to pair the new receiver with your mouse.

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I do not have the unifying receiver with me. Is there a way to get one? (It is very expensive in India)


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