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Портативная игровая консоль производства Valve, выпущенная 25 февраля 2022 года.

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Only power button, volume buttons, and touch screen work.

Only the power button, volume buttons, and touch screen work on my Steam deck. Furthermore, there is no longer a chime on startup. This was after I installed a shell replacement. In the past I have successfully completed an SSD replacement as well but I have had no issues until after completing the shell replacement and turning on my Steam Deck. I have gone and double checked all of the ribbon cable connections but still no luck. The Steam Deck still turns on and I can navigate on it with the touch screen or by using an external keyboard. Is there a specific cable that could be causing these issue? Could it be that the trackpad no longer works as I heard that the trackpad is what makes the chime noise? Thank you.

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It was the ribbon cable behind the motherboard next to the LCD cable.

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Hey I'm having this same issue and replugging that cable fixed my audio but my other buttons still don't work.

Any idea why?


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Since it stopped working after you installed the shell, I would suggest uninstalling it, then reinstalling it to see what you missed.

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I have this same issues. Please i need help. I have done everything

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My fix was the ribbon cable behind the motherboard next to the LCD cable. I thought I double checked everything but after taking everything apart, I found it. What modifications have you made?


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