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PC "stutters" after a couple hours of usage with all programs closed.

Posting for a friend of mine as they do not have a reddit account:

My PC has this weird issue and has done for a number of years, my pc stutters after prolonged use (3+ hours). This includes audio repeats (Like when windows BSODs), screen freezes and input doesn't work until it "catches back up" and it will happen again in a couple seconds. Then the pc will run slowly until it happens again and the pc runs even slower. A restart fixes this but only temporairly and the issue occurs again after another 3 hours.

I have already checked temps, startup apps, RAM usage, HDD/SSD health. Only thing i have noticed is that both drives showup with little remaining storage in file explorer.

Any help or further diagnosing steps would be great, if nothing works he is willing to completely nuke the pc and start over. I will attach his specs below!!:

CPU: i7-8700K

GPU: RTX 2070

RAM: 16gb Corsair 3000

CPU is water cooled

(if you need anything else please ask)

P.S the issue is worse when oculus is running in the background?? (Happens quicker and worse) - Random i know :/

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Have you run a complete virus/malware scan?

What are your drive full of?

Have you defragged the drives, if not SSD? You don't mention.

What is running in the background when the problems happen?


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Sounds to me like:

  1. You need to free up space on your drives. Try TFC from blinking computer. Then offload pictures, music, video file to another device.
  2. Then you need to monitor your RAM usage. I use a Gadget from long ago. I use this to revive Gadgets on W10 or W11. Firefox will eat memory and cause issues like that (ask me how I know - it ate up 99% of my 16GB memory), so if you are running Firefox, try Chrome or Edge, or Opera.

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Hello, BurtBen if I understand correctly, your pc after a few hours, or prolonged use stutters and is slow, if that's the case, open up task manager, if the temps, hdd/ssd, ram, cpu usage is fine, and it shows little to no storage remaining in file explorer would suggest to clean your SSD/HDD sometimes, your computer might get slow cause of your SSD/HDD little to no storage left on it,

please try to clear your storage device and lmk the results.


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