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Ведущий представитель iPhone 2020 года от компании Apple был выпущен 23 октября и поставляется с 6.1-дюймовым OLED-дисплеем, 12-мегапиксельной двойной камерой и доступен в 5 цветах. Преемник iPhone 11.

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Codes missing for Face ID

When reading a iPhone12 with the JCID Repair Assistant software the Lattice, Radar and IR Camera codes are missing ..How do I get the codes and how would you update them to the phone

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Unfortunately, the JCID Repair Assistant software has some limitations when reading iPhone 12 components like the Lattice, Radar, and IR Camera. Here are a few options to try to get the missing codes:

  • Update to the latest version of JCID Repair Assistant in case support has been added for these components in a newer release. The developers may have addressed this issue.
  • Use an alternative diagnostics/repair software that has full support for iPhone 12 components. For example, iCopy, iExplorer, iActivate, or IP Box software may be able to fully read and populate the codes.
  • Manually look up the Lattice, Radar, and IR Camera codes for iPhone 12 using resources like https://appletech752.com/icloudbypass.ht.... You can then manually enter them into JCID.
  • For the Radar and IR Camera codes, you may be able to retrieve them from a donor device by reading a working iPhone 12 on JCID.
  • As a last resort, contact JCID Support to see if they have a solution for retrieving the missing codes from iPhone 12 devices.

To update the codes on the phone, you would enter them into the appropriate fields in JCID after retrieving the codes through one of these methods. Make sure to save and write the changes back to the device's storage. This should populate the correct codes so the components function properly.

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