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A Desktop PC built from off-the-shelf DIY parts, rather than a prebuilt from a major manufacturer. These can also be built by an SI using off-the-shelf parts.

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gpu lights on and fans are running but gpu is not detected.

I reseated my gpu but it is still not getting detected even after show hidden devices in device manager.

The gpu is a 6600xt

Mobo is asus prime H310M-E

cpu is i7 9700k

Psu is coolermaster 850W

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The first step is to boot into BIOS and check if it is recognized there.

I am not 100% sure if the Prime H310M-E is the same (I'm checking on a Prime Z270-A, but most Prime BIOS is the same), so look around if it doesn't match.

BIOS: Advanced Mode (F7) > Advanced > PCH Configuration > PCIE Configuration. It should list the PCIE ports in your computer: if nothing is plugged in it it will say "Not Present", versus if something is detected it won't. It may just say something like "x16" or could say "6600xt" or etc. Depends on which BIOS version you are on and how much information that card shares with that mobo, which I can't tell you. If it doesn't say "not present", something is detected.

If BIOS is not recognizing it (or if it is being recognized but in the wrong slot - most motherboards want your GPU in the uppermost slot, but check your manual), then you need to investigate about reseating the card or etc.

If it is being recognized and in the right slot via BIOS, then the next step is to try safe mode.

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It is detected in the bios. Its a hit and miss because sometimes after not using it for a while and then booting up, the gpu shows up as basic microsoft adapter. And when i try to update it, the screen freezes and the whole pc hangs. Ill try the same thing in safe mode now ig. thanks


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