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Repair guides, support, and troubleshooting information for the first 13-inch MacBook Air to feature Apple's ARM-based M1 SoC (with an 8-core CPU and up to an 8-core GPU). Released in November 2020 and identified by model numbers A2337 or EMC 3598.

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What is the difference between the late 2020 display and the 2018-20?

The 2018 - early 2020 MacBook Air display look visually similar from the parts product photos from the iFixit store, and the display cable is compatible for all the years, 2018 - late 2020.

But the iFixit store does not label the late 2020 display as compatible with all the others. Why is that? And could you still pull off a display replacement by sourcing a display from 2018 - early 2020?

MacBook Air 13" (Late 2018-Late 2020) Display Cable Изображение


MacBook Air 13" (Late 2018-Late 2020) Display Cable


MacBook Air 13" (Late 2018-Early 2020) Display Assembly Изображение


MacBook Air 13" (Late 2018-Early 2020) Display Assembly


MacBook Air 13" (A2337, Late 2020) Display Assembly Изображение


MacBook Air 13" (A2337, Late 2020) Display Assembly


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Выбранное решение

The older systems are Intel based and the late 2020 is an Apple M1 series SoC. Apple altered quite a few things. Sadly the old display is not compatible.

You can’t judge things from the externals, signals as well as physical dimensions are often altered as in this case.

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acegikmo будет вечно благодарен.
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