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What to do about a bottom ribbon cable broke on a friends phone

So my friend was opening up his phone and when he did that the bottom ribbon cable broke. The phone can still turn on, because when he turns the ringer on the vibration is felt. The cable near the cameras is fine, its just the bottom one. The screen itself won't turn on since it happened.

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@knownasreview so that means the LCD cable has been torn.

Either the screen needs replacing or it needs to be taken to a repair store where they can do microsoldering to reattach the cable to the LCD.

Given that the iPhone SE screens are not OLED, they are fairly cheap so replacing the whole screen would be the more economical option.

Do note that the home button must be transferred from the old screen to the new one for Touch ID to work.

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100% this.

Any tech who is earning a living doing this will charge more for the labor to reattach this ribbon cable than the screen costs new, so it will definitely be more economical to replace the whole screen. It is a $15-$30 screen versus 2-3 labor hours.


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