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Смартфон был выпущен 26 октября 2018 года с разными модулями связями и количеством SIM-карт. Модели A1984, A2105, A2106, A2108 были доступны с GSM или CDMA/eSIM, nano-SIM или dual-SIM. Объём памяти варьируется в пределах: 64, 128, 256 Гб. И, конечно, iPhone XR увидел свет в различных оттенках корпуса: черном, белом, синем, желтом, Coral и красном.

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iPhone XR screen touch stops working when clicked into frame.

My phone screen works perfectly when not fitted into the frame but as soon as I fit it into the frame and do the final click at the bottom of the screen, touch stops working. As soon as I pop it out at the bottom of the screen, touch comes back again. Any ideas why? Thanks

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@briangardner Have you screwed in the final two screws? I had a bizarre issue with a laptop where it would not start once fully assembled unless the screws were put in. I have no clue why but it worked, maybe something to do with screwed-in components having to make contact with the part behind it.

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Hi thanks it yes the two screws have been put in and it’s still not working.


Alright, remove the screws and open up the phone again. Unscrew and remove the cover over the flex cable. Turn the phone on, and use your finger to press gently on the flex cable connector where it connects to the motherboard. Please keep all metal objects away from the phone when you do this, because the motherboard is exposed. Does touch stop working when you do that?



I’ll give that a try later thanks. Thanks for your help.


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