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Смартфон был выпущен 26 октября 2018 года с разными модулями связями и количеством SIM-карт. Модели A1984, A2105, A2106, A2108 были доступны с GSM или CDMA/eSIM, nano-SIM или dual-SIM. Объём памяти варьируется в пределах: 64, 128, 256 Гб. И, конечно, iPhone XR увидел свет в различных оттенках корпуса: черном, белом, синем, желтом, Coral и красном.

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Only digitizer working. LCD is blank

I had my iphone XR fixed a couple of times in a shady place. The last time I got it back the screen worked for a while and then just went black and I thought it was fully out. But after a couple of tries I realized that the digitizer is responding I can turn on the flashlight from the lock screen and it's just that LCD is not displaying anything.

I tried opening it up after I bought ifixit kit and just basically removing the LCD and digitizer cables. Then pushing through some air to check for dusts in connectors and putting back in hoping that the place just didn't put it back together properly. But the issue persists. Is there a good way to pinpoint the issue here? Whether it's a connector or the LCD? Or is the best way just buy another screen and try it again?

Another small thing to keep in mind I just tried it by putting cables back in not not screwing back in the brackets if that makes any difference...but I doubt it :) Thanks for any assistance!

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i think the best route is to just buy a new screen completely to see if this is a board level issue or just the screen, and you cant really repair the screen yourself at home, so unfortunately you'd have to replace it either way :(

do you seen any possible bent pins on the board?

iPhone XR Screen

hope this helps!

iPhone XR Screen Изображение


iPhone XR Screen


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