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The Xiaomi Redmi 9 Prime was officially released on August 4, 2020 The smartphone is equipped with sensors such as a fingerprint sensor (rear-mounted), accelerometer, proximity, and compass. The smartphone features an Infrared port, USB 2.0, Type-C 1.0 reversible connector, USB On-The-Go, and Bluetooth 5.0.

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My phone screen is not waking

My phone screen is automatically off and not showing anything,what can I do

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Explain in detail what exactly happened if your phone fell in water if you didn't charge it or if you dropped it so we can help


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One day I used mobile for a while in the morning then I kept it then after some time I came then it was off, I charged it then its battery gets hot but does not turn on.

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Most likely it's a battery replacement


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Display white problem please solve this problem

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Redmi 9 serilerinde şarj yuvası ve şarj entegresi arızalanıyor kronik değişmesi gerekiyor.

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Santosh Roy будет вечно благодарен.
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