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2.2 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.4 GHz), 2.5 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.7 GHz), or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 4.0 GHz) quad-core Intel Core i7 processor with 6 MB shared L3 cache.

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MacBook Pro a1398 mid 2015 restarts under gpu load

Hey everyone.

Super excited to be joining the community.

I've recently brought a macbook pro 15" mid 2015 without the dedicated gpu (820-00138).

It was a mess when I bought it and the battery was swollen to its limit. So I disassembled everything, cleaned the PCB carefully and removed the battery. It now turns on with the charger and I was able to easily install windows.

All seemed ok until I decided to do some stress testing. The issue starts when I try to do anything gpu related. As soon as I start a gpu benchmark, the system restarts and I'm back to where I started. CPU benchmark didn't replicate the issue.

Is it possible that the issue is related to battery not being in the system yet? I want to make sure before ordering one.

PS: I played 4k videos on YouTube and didn't notice the same issue.

PS II: I bought the item to start repairing as a hobby, and have no issues working on the motherboard as I have some basic equipment to work on it and try my luck.

Any help would be appreciated.


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As I suspected, no difference on MacOS. Still restarts on gpu stress test.

I've read about the 3 cpu MOSFETs that usually cause crash and shut down/restart the device which is a common issue with this model. but the way I understood it, they are a result of cpu idle mode not gpu under load.

Could they be related and these 3 MOSFETs are the issues here as well?


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Give this a try as it is a known bug:

1) reboot with CMD+R pressed.

2) open Terminal

3) sudo csrutil disable

4) reboot in normal mode

5) sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/AppleThunderboltNHI.kext


6) reboot with CMD+R pressed

7) csrutil enable

8) reboot and forget about problem

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Thanks for your suggestion. I wouldn't think this helps or even doable as I'm using Windows 10 on the device. Am I wrong?


do you not have a mac system installed?


No but I will install it just to make sure. Since I have Windows, I don't think my problem is a MacOS driver issue anyways as the code I believe is suggesting.


conveniently, I can't even install El Capitan for the reason explained here:


I'm going to stick with Windows anyways. Hope to get more suggestions from the community.


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