Hdmi port keeps breaking off help!

I've replaced multiple hdmi ports on Xbox series X and ps5s but 9 times out of 10 they come back within 2 weeks or so saying no display again, and found the port has either come off or the pins have come away from solder.

I've tried pin by pin solder method but I keep getting terrible bridging and have to redo completely and tried the drop method by flooding pads and anchor points and hot gunning and dropping it onto the board.

Would old solder reel be the issue I've had it for 5 years plus. Or is it technique. Any advice would be useful thank you

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is the frame of the port breaking or the internal part, could just be user error


The pins are coming away, I do think it's my fault i'd love to know a good way to make sure they are on permanently. I do need to find a good way to do it.

I'm beating my self down due to this.

Is there a good way to do it for less failures


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