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Смартфон был выпущен 26 октября 2018 года с разными модулями связями и количеством SIM-карт. Модели A1984, A2105, A2106, A2108 были доступны с GSM или CDMA/eSIM, nano-SIM или dual-SIM. Объём памяти варьируется в пределах: 64, 128, 256 Гб. И, конечно, iPhone XR увидел свет в различных оттенках корпуса: черном, белом, синем, желтом, Coral и красном.

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Do I get a battery adhesive with my iPhone xr fix kit?

basically what I just said, Do i need to order battery adhesive strips with the iPhone XR fix kit?? or just order iPhone XR fix kit

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@nevardobrown if the kit you are thinking of is this iPhone XR Battery then it contains the following

Kit contents

  • New Replacement Battery compatible with iPhone XR
  • Display Assembly Adhesive
  • Loudspeaker Adhesive Gasket
  • iFixit Opening Pick
  • Spudger
  • iFixit Opening Tool
  • Suction Handle
  • Angled Tweezers
  • Precision Bit Driver
  • 4 mm Precision Bits:
    • Phillips #000
    • Pentalobe P2
    • Tri-point Y000

But no mention of the battery adhesive strips. I would not assume that this kit has it. You can always order it separate iPhone XR Battery Adhesive Strips

If nothing else, it is always best to contact the awesome iFixit staff and ask them directly email support@ifixit.com That way there will be no confusion.

iPhone XR Battery Изображение


iPhone XR Battery


iPhone XR Battery Adhesive Strips Изображение


iPhone XR Battery Adhesive Strips


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I would say no, you don't have to order the battery adhesive strips separately. If you look at the part only listing, the second picture shows the rear of the battery - with adhesive strips already attached.

So that explains why it isn't listed, because it comes on the battery and not separately.


@dadibrokeit I was thinking the same thing when I noticed the pictures. Then I thought why would they sell them separate at all? Hence the link to support@ifixit.com, that way the OP will know for sure :-)


@oldturkey03 You'd need them for any repair that requires removal of the battery, so yeah it still makes sense to sell them separately


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