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Repair information for standalone freezers.

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What is this beige goo in my freezer?

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I recently got a second hand freezer, and it has this beige goo in it (see picture).

What is the goo? Somethingto do with insulation? It seems to have decomposed a bit! It's sticky to the touch and there's a gap in the exit hole.

How can I fix it and how can I prevent it from happening again?

Thanks in advance for your help,


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Hi Michael,

Hard to tell exactly what the goo is from the pic.

If the freezer is still functional you can repair the insulation with a can of 'Polyurethane Expanding Foam' from your local hardware store (search web).

Clean up the 'goo' first, with gloves on, try:

  • to physically remove as much as possible with plastic tools so as not to damage the freezer
  • then try cleaning with Metholated Spirits
  • If still residue, then clean with Acetone
  • dry completely
  • apply tape to cover the hole
  • carefully make a small hole in the tape the size of the foam applicator tube.
  • then spray expanding foam into hole via the tube on the can
  • you can put more tape over the small hole for a neater finish as it expands and dries

If you haven't used expanding foam before, try it on a similar sized hole in a cardboard box or other rubbish, to gauge how much you need. It has a unique behaviour and expands/grows very rapidly. Follow the instructions on the can carefully.



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Hey Chris,

Sorry for the late reply. I tried that today and it worked like a charm!

Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated!

Take care,



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