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one percent battery percentages after IOS17

My iphone appears to function and charge properly but two days ago I upgraded to IOS 17 and now I can't tell when the battery is running low, it no longer displays the battery percentages on the screen accurately

My ifixit battery showed percentages in IOS 16. After installing IOS 17 my battery percentages are always at 1%.

My only recent modification is software.

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Nick has a good point; Apple is definitely going out of its way to make things difficult for people who want to do their own repairs or even those who want a repair that doesn't cost as much as what Apple charges.

I haven't heard anything about battery percentages not working on any phones up to this point, but honestly, it wouldn't surprise me.

To be honest I'm an Android guy so I'm not up on all of the Apple update information, but my first thought would be that you should roll back your iOS version to 16.x and see if your percentage comes back. I'm afraid I can't help telling you how to do that though.

You mentioned an iFixit battery; I assume that means you replaced your own battery, right? And went through the Important Battery Message pop-ups and the loss of the battery health information, right?

Just to clarify, as of the iPhone XS, Apple started pairing the battery to the logic board, which results in the "genuine" battery message if an unpaired battery is used, and of course only Apple can do that pairing. Current battery repair dictates that you have to keep the existing BMS circuit off the original battery and just replace the bare cell. If that wasn't bad enough, then with the iPhone 11, they changed the way the battery health information is stored and made it impossible for the existing programming devices to clear the health percentage to 100% and the cycle count to zero. That means after the 11, even if you reuse the BMS you'll be stuck with the old health values.

So yeah, since you now have an unpaired battery it is entirely possible that iOS 17 is penalizing you for not having a paired battery. As I mentioned, the only way to verify that would be to roll back to a previous 16.x version and see if it goes back to working. I know I personally would be very interested in finding out if that's the case, so let us know if you're able to do that roll-back and what happens when you do.

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@dadibrokeit is probably right, you should roll back to ios 16.x (latest is 16.7 on my iphone) and see if your percentages return.

After doing some research i found this article on how to but:

1) it involves wiping the entire phone

2) they aren't, nor are we, responsible for any data loss or bricking of your iphone. You are doing this at your own risk



also @dadibrokeit i'm pretty sure apple's been doing this no battery repair crap since the iphone 6 (with home button and battery replacements being gone)

Reason i say this is i had a 6 that had a battery replacement and behaved irratically at times but, also replaced home button and screen, and all 3 were serialized to my phone.


@np_f1_2021 Currently the best information I have is that battery serialization didn't start until the iPhone XS. Prior to that there weren't any penalties for using an aftermarket battery or replacing it yourself. If your 6 was having problems, it's always possible you got a battery with a defective BMS.


i mean it did completely die after 6 months lol.


I did replace my iphone battery and went through the battery messages

Downgrading from IOS 17 to IOS 16 was the smartest idea. I need to know when my phone is low on power and I felt blind without battery levels or percentages.

When I install any IOS update I plug my phone into the Apple electrical adapter, cord between phone and adapter, connect to a wall plug, Wi-Fi the update. My point is I started the update process with around 75% battery and I should have had around 85 to 100% battery when I finished IOS 17, 3 days ago. Last night I found a third party computer software for downgrading Apple devices. I installed the software on the PC then plugged the iphone into the USB. I noticed a minute later my phone battery went from 1% had turned to 2%, then 3%. I closed the software program down and let the phone charge all night long. I may never understand why I was able to use that phone moderately heavy for over two days while it displayed 1%. Two possibilities, I think – operator error or IOS 17 glitch.


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Good afternoon,

You say you replaced your battery correct?

Chances are that's the problem. iOS 17 likely introduces a problem where replacement batteries don't display percentages correctly. I can't test that personally because i daily an iphone 8, but that's where my guess is at.

This is very much another move apple is making to lock down third party repair :(

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Yes I changed my ifixit battery. The battery is 2 years old and although I did loose battery health settings on the change out the percentage levels were always fine and the battery has always worked great. ( I was able to find a solution in my post to Jerry W.)


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