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Is it safe to remove a screen that has a screen protector on it?

Haven't encountered this situation while repairing iPhones (I'm still new) until now so I'm genuinely curious and concerned particularly if there is any problems that can occur from removing a iPhone screen from its frame while it has a screen protector on it. Will it break or snap or anything along those lines? Thank you for your help regardless!

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Hi Daniel,

I've swapped out quite a few iPhone screens and frankly it's never been a concern as to whether it has a screen protector on it or not. I remove them first if they're broken and have cracks that could keep me from getting a good suction seal but if they're intact it's entirely up to you whether to leave them on or take them off; the screen removal will work either way.

I would lean toward leaving them on, as they'll provide some protection for the screen from scratches or chips. Of course, if they separate from the screen when you're trying to pull on it with a suction cup, then you should probably give up on it and just remove it but I haven't had that happen to me yet if it's not broken.

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Hi Jerry, thank you very much for your assistance and reassurance. I was really concerned that it could have some effect on the actual screen if I applied to much pressure while removing the screen and I didnt want to waste a perfectly good screen protector. Thank you once again and enjoy your day <3


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