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Repair guides, support, and troubleshooting information for the first 13-inch MacBook Air to feature Apple's ARM-based M1 SoC (with an 8-core CPU and up to an 8-core GPU). Released in November 2020 and identified by model numbers A2337 or EMC 3598.

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Build in screen anomalies - bad video cable?

A week ago, I started noticing anomalies on the screen, including color distortions, high screen noice, some colors not working, sometimes the built-in screen does not work at all. An external monitor works as expected.

Normally, I would think this is an issue with the video cable wearing with open/close cycles, and replace the cable. I don't see video cable as one of the options here.

What part would I have to replace to fix this?

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This does in fact, sound like it could be an issue with the display cable. Sadly Macbooks these days don't have independently replaceable cables. At least not replaceable by most people. The back end of the cables travels up under the panel, so you can't replace them without removing it. And a bunch of soldering. It's not worth the amount of work, or the risk to the display.

You'll need to replace the whole screen assembly to replace the cables.

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