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Представленный 3-его марта 20 17 г. Nintendo Switch- это портативная приставка, способная устанавливаться в док-станцию и выводить картинку на TV

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Why is my nintendo switch overheating

I've been playing on my nintendo switchI've been playing on my Nintendo switch. And it lasts like, twenty minutes before it shuts down

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How much have you been using your Nintendo switch? If you don't use it a lot.. I'm not 100% sure.. if you do use it a lot.. then limit your usage, because it might overheat.. I hope this helps at least a bit..

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@sparker9789 "And it lasts like, twenty minutes before it shuts down"


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It sounds likely that the cooling fan is no longer functional. If that's the case, consider this guide (also available below) as reference for the installation of a replacement. There's the possibility of another component causing the loss of the fan's functionality, but that would require more thorough evaluation.

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