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Repair guides and disassembly information for Lenovo's thin and light ThinkPad X1 Carbon business laptops.

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Replacing 1TB SSD with 2TB SSD - not being recognised

I have ThinkPad X1 Carbon 7th Gen laptop. I am trying to replace a 1 TB SSD by cloning it to a 2 TB SSD. The clone completes successfully but when I install it I get a message that “A required device isn’t connected or can’t be accessed”. It reports “Inaccessible Boot Device”. I have tried various procedures recommended using a Windows 11 recovery usb drive, but to no avail. Has anyone experienced a similar problem, and if so, do they have any suggestions?

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Hi @mjkalba,

Is the SSD shown as being detected in the BIOS storage drive menus?

If not it may be a faulty drive or not connected correctly.

If it is then something went wrong when it was cloned


It is detected by thw BIOS. It can be accessed from Command Prompt mode in the Windows Recovery environment and by other tools recovery medir.



Just verifying that you cloned it using cloning software and not just copied over to it from the original drive?


Cloned with Partition Magic, Macrium Reflect, and Aomei Backupper Pro. Same result with each tool..



Have you checked that the cloned disc is set to "active" as shown in this link?


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In the end I bit the bullet and did a clean install of Windows 11. 🙁

Fortunately this is a laptop I use for gaming, so it was not full of apps and will not take too long to bring bank to its original state.

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Did you move files over to the new SSD? Did you have bitlocker on the old SSD?

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Yes regarding the files, it was a complete clone, and no to bitlocker.


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