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Repair guides for displays (or monitors) for computers or other devices with video output.

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What is causing this on my screen?

I have an MSI Stealth Laptop with the 240Hz screen and just recently these dark areas showed up on the bottom my my screen. Looks like some of the LED back/edge lighting has stopped working. Anyone else have this issue or know for sure what it is?

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The dark areas are hard to see in the picture. But in person you cant miss them.

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It looks like the backlight in your screen is failing. An LCD replacement should fix it.

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Easiest fix: Replace the whole LCD panel for it.

If you want to try and fit a new backlight to the panel, You could try before you buy a new one.

But if you want neither, It won't hurt anything, Looks like only one row failed.

It won't break the whole laptop.

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