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Основная модель линейки смартфонов 2019 года от Apple, выпущенная 20 сентября и получившая название iPhone 11. Устройство получило 6,1-дюймовый дисплей с двойной камерой и в шести цветах. Достойный преемник iPhone XR.

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Water damage - new screens don’t work, only the original LCD turns on.

Long story short, bought a phone then found out it had water damage. The original screen will turn on and display the lock screen, but touch does not work. I sourced a few replacement screens and …they all light up black. The phone still boots, but no display shows. The original screen still displays though. I know the replacement screens are not the problem. Any ideas?

I have:

Cleaned the connections with alcohol

Disconnected cameras, speakers, et cetera

Heated up the phone a bit with a heat gun

Am I just screwed? I’m taking it to my buddy’s shop Tuesday so he can try.

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Turned out there were broken pins on the display connector. Rip.

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