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Sony revealed the DualSense Edge (CFI-ZCP1), a new controller for the PlayStation 5 featuring additional capabilities, in August 2022.

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Does anyone know where to buy the black switch for the back button?

My dualsense edge's back button became loose and I noticed after watching the teardown and opening my dualsense on my own, that the bit that the back button attaches to within the controller ended up breaking through use. Does anyone know where this can be bought?

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Having the same issue too I glued mine about 2 weeks ago and I’m still searching for the part…. Really shouldn’t have bought from Sony and just got it from GameStop tbh

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Sony has a 1 year warranty on these controllers. I have 2 edge controllers. I sent one back and they repaired it free of charge. They sent me a package and all. Same thing happened on the other one now, one of those rocker arms break off. I'm getting ready to send the second one back soon.

These were released in January 2023 so they all still should be under warranty as far as I know.


Here's the link i used to contact Sony



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If you are past your warranty then PS refuses to offer repairs even if you offer to pay for it. They also refuse to sell you replacement parts.

Their recommendation is to go through a 3rd party like Best Buy. The question is, how are they supposed to fix it if PS doesn't sell the replacement parts???

If anyone has a lead on a real fix, please let me know!

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