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Released November 2020, the PS5 console features vastly upgraded visuals and an innovative new Dualsense controller. The space-age black-and-white color scheme is a noticeable departure from PlayStation designs of the past.

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Is it possible for liquid metal to Move in a PS5 when it is unopened?

Helllo :)

I purchased a PS5 in July 2022 but didn't unbox it until January 2023. during those six months, the console was stored in its original box, unopened, and never powered on. As i know PS5 consoles are typically stored in their original packaging in a vertical position.

My question is : if my PS5 was in its original box, unopened, and unused for six months, should I be concerned about liquid metal issues like drops or dry spots ? does the fact that it hasn't been powered on make any difference in terms of the risk of liquid metal movement or other potential issues ?

My PS5 is currently working flawlessly without any overheating or random shutdowns. However, I've heard that issues related to liquid metal may develop over time. iam at risk because my console was stored in its original box and never used for several months ?

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I have no idea what you are referring to as "liquid metal". If it is working "flawlessly", have fun, don't worry.

I don't think there is any liquid of any sort in the PS5.

Storage position is not relevant.

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