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Repair guides, support, and troubleshooting information for the first 13-inch MacBook Air to feature Apple's ARM-based M1 SoC (with an 8-core CPU and up to an 8-core GPU). Released in November 2020 and identified by model numbers A2337 or EMC 3598.

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Replacement Keyboard not working

After a coffee spill the keyboard stopped working. The track pad worked as well as the rest of the machine. I ordered a replacement keyboard which was the complete top assembly from IFixit. I installed in and it still does work.

Any suggestions?

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In general, when I have something like this not work my first step is to re-open everything and make sure that everything I unplugged is plugged back in properly. Second, I'd visually inspect your boards for shorts as you spilled liquid on it.

Last you can send an email to support@ifixit.com to chat about some troubleshooting options if the problem is the new keyboard.

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