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Roborock S5 not charging - Error 13

Xiaomi Roborock

Hi !

I have the problem Error 13 . In the robot changed the P185 fuse.

I have 2 charger. In same chaerger changed the condensator . Not some cheap, im using Nichicon 450v 68uF.

One charger working good, all ok, but the another not.

On the bad charger measuring 4,2v , if charged 20v.

Sometimes the robot starts charging, but after a few days it doesn't. Then I put the charger aside and after a few it's good again for a while.

In the bad charger changed again another Nichicon condenstor --- not working

Changed the ISA07N65A Mosfet ---- not working

what can i do? Have any idea ? Thanks

Update (11/14/23)

Hi @hainzy !

My question its moved so, i try answear here.

"the Parts your replaced where faulty, or did you replace them without checking?

when you are already replacing parts you could also try to replace these:

- Mosfet B09N03 (EMB09N03H) or B09A03 (EMB09A03HP) - depending on the version

- Controller MAX8731A (MAX8731AETI+) or BQ24773 (ref BQ24773RUYT) - depending on the version

or you replace the whole board of the Robot, or the charger.

That would probably be easier...

But you did already check the battery, right? "

The capacitator its fault , the mosfet i think not, but i have one new so i chang it.

The battery its good, with another charger allworking ok.

If i can buy, i will try change the Mosfet B09N03 and the Controller MAX8731A. Thanks,

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@sygnus what exact model is your RoboRock?


Roborock S5. The simple S5 , not the max.


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Hi @sygnus,

the Parts your replaced where faulty, or did you replace them without checking?

when you are already replacing parts you could also try to replace these:

- Mosfet B09N03 (EMB09N03H) or B09A03 (EMB09A03HP) - depending on the version

- Controller MAX8731A (MAX8731AETI+) or BQ24773 (ref BQ24773RUYT) - depending on the version

or you replace the whole board of the Robot, or the charger.

That would probably be easier...

But you did already check the battery, right?

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I had a similar problem and it turned out that it was not an electronics problem but a mechanical one. Look carefully at the contacts in the charging station. In my case, one of them was worn out and rarely made contact. I bent the metal contact a bit and the problem was solved.


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In the meantime, it turns out that the crappy Chinese P185 that was replaced earlier was again at fault.

I just bought a Ruville product, it works with it.


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