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Repair guides, support, and troubleshooting information for the first 13-inch MacBook Air to feature Apple's ARM-based M1 SoC (with an 8-core CPU and up to an 8-core GPU). Released in November 2020 and identified by model numbers A2337 or EMC 3598.

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Black screen, no apple logo, screen is lit. Caps lock works. Tried

I'd think I need a new display assembly however many people have had black screen issues which they resolved without replacing it.


My issue however is likely different as I see no logo.


Filevault can cause a black screen! Weird!!!

I'm going to get a usb-c to hdmi in the mean time but i'm also going to try Configurator to flash an ispw to it and cross my fingers. So far the Configurator app has given me nothing but issues.

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If the external display is working Configurator2 (DFU) won’t help you. In a dim room do you see even a slight glow from the internal display?

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The display is entirely lit yet black. brightness controls do not work.


@bobbyburke13969 - So the backlight is working then. Let’s give this a try, using an external keyboard and mouse with an external display connected. Restart the system and then close the display lid (what we cal Clamshell mode) are you able to get the system to respond now.


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