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Released November 2020, the PS5 console features vastly upgraded visuals and an innovative new Dualsense controller. The space-age black-and-white color scheme is a noticeable departure from PlayStation designs of the past.

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Ps5 gets hot in 1 outlet

When I have the ps5 plugged into an outlet in my living room it seems fine, when I move the Ps5 to a different room and outlet the PS5 heys really hot. What would cause that?

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It's possible that the different room and outlet have different power conditions or ventilation, which could affect the temperature of your PS5. Make sure the outlet you're using in the other room is providing stable power and that there's proper airflow around the console. If the issue persists, it's always a good idea to reach out to the manufacturer or consult a professional for further guidance!

I hope my answer helps!

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